Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Newcastle cancels Anna Kendrick

Newcastle made a series of videos called, ifwemadeit.com.  They were made for the Superbowl.  Well, kind of.  They were made to be watched online for the Superbowl, but without paying for Superbowl placement.  In fact, they're not allowed to use the word "Superbowl" in their ads, so they call it the "Mega Huge Football Game".

Anna Kendrick is such a sweetheart to watch and this spoof is her bashing Newcastle for cancelling on her Suerbowl commercial days before they were supposed to film because they didn't have enough money, is funny and charming.  She says she was hoping to stretch her acting chops, since she doesn't consider herself "beer-commercial hot", but "she likes a challenge".

Monday, February 17, 2014

Ian Padgham's 6-second Olympics

For those of you unfamiliar with the superstars of Vine, let me introduce you to Ian Padgham.  Padgham, was a video producer for Twitter and an early adapter to Vine.  Eventually he was getting approached by so many huge name companies to make Vine's that he left Twitter in 2013 to work for himself.
Recently he was flown to the Olympics to keep us entertained and up-to-date on all that is the Olympics.  Here are a few recent Vines.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

No news, just a short video from one of my favorite ad campaigns.  "Dumb Ways to Die" presents, "Dumb Ways to Valentine".  Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Facebook Fraud?

I just came across this article on AdAge, highlighting a recent youtube video from Veritasium.  It's a nine minute video, but totally worth your time. As we delve deeper into the social media game, we are discovering what's really working and what is just "paid" likes with no engagement.  You may be thinking twice before paying Facebook for fans.

There are many different facts cited, one I found interesting is, "The US Department of State spent $630,000 to acquire 2 million page likes and then realized only 2% were engaged. http://wapo.st/1glcyZo"

Monday, February 10, 2014

Budweiser tugs at the heart strings

I'm sure by now you've seen this adorable Budweiser ad that premiered at the Super Bowl.  A sweet sixty-second love story where a puppy brings people together and finds himself an owner.  (I only wish this was a shelter dog, then Bud could have helped promote those animals too.)

This three-day shoot, starred five Clydesdales and a litter of puppies to get all the shots.  It was directed by Jake Scott, son of the famed director Ridley Scott.

Apparently during the shoot, there was a "don't pet the puppies" clause because they were so young and the trainers couldn't take the puppies getting overly-excited and lose focus.  Looks like all the hard work paid off.